Thursday, April 25, 2013

day 222

This is for the lovers I will never learn to love. This is for the transparent smiling and the see through hand holding. This is for the I'm looking at you with my peripherals but I will never willingly give you my point of view. This is for the slight sense of jealousy. This is for every perfect being around you and it scares me. This is for the past lovers you will never get over. This is for the nights you spend with a past lover thinking about someone else. This is for the nights you wish you were in love again. With the same person. Whichever person made your heart stop the longest or skip the farthest. Whichever one you think of when you see two lovers dancing on the middle of a dance floor, and everyone is looking at them, wishing they were in love. This is for the thoughts and the righteousness of knowing they don't love each other like everyone thinks they do. This is for the perfect couples because they don't exist. This is for my firm belief in broken promises, broken hearts, and broken lovers. This is for the confessions in the middle of the night but not being able to tell someone you still love them. This is for still wanting to believe you are in love, but you force yourself away from it. This is for still wanting two summers ago.

1 comment:

  1. Finally. Well I don't know how to message you so I guess ill just have to comment through this and finally talk to you. I just want to say you have the most beautiful smile and eyes I've ever seen. You're poetry is simply amazing. I love it all. The first time I saw you it was like free falling through the sky. I've had the biggest crush on you since I first saw you at that Cafe you work at. I swear i've been there about one hundred or more times hoping that you would be there working and i could catch a glimpse of you. The feeling i get as soon I open the door and see you there behind the counter, it's like my body goes into shock and I start to panic the rest of me is just melting away in your eyes. I try not to look but I don't want to look away you're the reason why i even showed up. We don't really know each other and I hope you won't think this is creepy lmao. I just wanted to tell you this.
    -Some dude who has a crush on you.
